Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Meet Grey Agenda Star Carly Capra

Actress:  Carly Capra plays Denise in Slo Rowe Entertainment's upcoming film Grey Agenda

How did you get involved with Grey Agenda? 
Carly Capra:Larry Stanley contacted me in January about a role he thought fit me, the role of Denise.  We talked about the premise of the movie and the character and of course I said yes.  

Tell us about your character 
CC:My character Denise is the girlfriend of Tex.  She is an all American sweetheart and the love of Tex’s life.  Some of the story centers around her, her abduction and Tex trying to find her.  Without giving away too much of the story, she goes through some major personality changes due to some things that happen to her.   

What kind of research did you do for your role of Denise in Grey Agenda? 
CC:I watched movies like Dark Skies, The Fourth Kind, and The Astronaut’s Wife.  I studied the effects on people that have experienced alien abductions.  I also watched  a lot of Ancient Aliens and watched videos of  Phil Schnieder.  I tried to learn as much as I could about Grey Aliens and Government conspiracy theories related to them 
Alien Selfie 

You are one of the more experienced cast members of Grey Agenda, how did Grey Agenda compare to the other projects you have worked on?.
CC: The cast was much bigger than any film I’ve worked on. It was pretty organized, that is hard to do on any production.  I also worked behind the camera more during this production.  Oh, and there was food! 

You worked with Robb  Hudspeth on Blood Reunion 3. How was it working with Robb again? 
CC:It’s always a pleasure to work with Robb. I was really happy that he got the role of Dr. Pruitt.  We have great chemistry as actors together. It was fun watching him become Dr. Pruitt.   

You were also an Associate Producer on Grey Agenda. This was your first time wearing that hat. What did you think about the behind the camera role? 
CC:I definitely have a new found respect for the production side of things. In the beginning of production I wasn’t AP.  I started out just helping the crew wherever I was needed and that role grew on every set. It was a great experience and at times very trying , especially towards the end of production because we were just so tired from fiming for 4 monthsbut I would do it again in a heartbeat.  

Carly staying alert between takes

Did you learn anything on the set of Grey Agenda? 
CC: I learned so much during this production. Where do I start?  I learned behind the camera lingo, how to work the lights, cables, dimmers, reflectors, boom and slating.   I did some scheduling, make up, wardrobe and special F/X.  I learned about framing shots.  Patience is a virtue!  

What was your Favorite Moment on set of Grey Agenda?
CC:There are so many. I love it when we have blooper moments.  We had fun with our Alien friends on set too.  
Carly and Sandra Abernathy give the Alien Kisses 

What was your favorite scene seen to shoot? 
CC:One of my favorite scenes is when Beau Spencer and Victoria meet.  It is a short scene, but the dialog between them and what transpires really moved me. The major fight scene was very cool too.  Dog Pack Productions choreographed the scene for us.  It was scary at moments, no one got seriously injured. Larry poked  Robb in the eye with a gun, but it wasn’t serious.    The whole cast and crew put in 110% that day.  It was a very long day and the girls really impressed me. We were all exhausted and physically sore for days.  

Looking at your Facebook page it says you’re dating Grey Agenda Director Larry Stanley. How was it trying to balance a relationship and indie film project?  
CC:I think we balanced it well and made a good team.  We are also different people on and off set. We did our best to always remain professional on set.  I think we both became consumed with the project and the stress was felt toward the end.  But the fact we survived it speaks volumes.   
Carly and Larry Stanley on the set of Grey Agenda. 
Do you believe in Aliens? 
CC: I think there is so much evidence that definitely proves we are not alone in this universe.   

Let's say you get abducted, what is the first thing you think?  
CC:I can’t say those words in this interview.  It would be along the lines of holy crap, I’m going to die. For the love of God! They are real! 

Now let reverse the whip, you abduct a Grey Alien, what do you do to him? 
CC:Well, if he was nice, I’d take him to Arby’s. 
Must be a nice Alien 

Any upcoming projects? 

After people watch Grey Agenda they will leave the theater saying......
CC:Give me more!!!     
Carly and her Arby's eating Alien friend stop by Twisted Fiction radio.
Check out more of Carly on the Web:

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