Friday, October 2, 2015

Meet Grey Agenda Star: Bridgette Mishelle

Actress: Bridgette Mishelle plays Victoria in Slo Rowe Entertainment's upcoming film Grey Agenda

 What acting  experience did you have before Grey Agenda?
 Bridgette Mishelle:I have been acting on local television, theater and local independent films since I was 18 years old        
What made you want to be apart of Grey Agenda?
BM: I love movies that are suspenseful, scifi, horror and just flat out weird. I couldn’t not be apart of this film.I’ve been lucky enough to work with several of the actors from Grey Agenda on previous sets, so it was like ‘being home’.           

After you read the script your first thought was?
BM: Bejeezus, how are they going to accomplish all of the special effects and sets needed? Haha!
Tell us about your Character in Grey Agenda
BMI play Victoria, who is a bad-ass detective…but I’m not working for the right team, that’s for sure.  She is a ‘kill-or-be-killed’ kind of woman, with a very sarcastic and manipulative attitude.  She really likes having the upper hand and putting people in their place.  She’s definitely not afraid of getting her hands dirty.

How did you prepare for your role?
BMWould you believe me if I said I watched a lot of X-Files?Don’t…I didn’t. I really can’t pinpoint any certain way that I prepare for  roles. I just make sure I have my lines down, sometimes adding a dash of my own sarcastic personality and rehearse a lot so that I can hear the way it sounds out loud.  I always over-analyze the thought process of the character.  “Would she really wear that outfit?” “What’s her personality really like?” “Is she someone you love to hate, or just plain hate”.  I really want to make the character believable.

This is your 5th Film working with Grey Agenda Director Larry Stanley, how did this compare to the others?
BMI think the caliber of film from Larry Stanley just continues to improve…and sometimes just get weird!  You never know where Larry is coming from.  One day you’re working on a movie about adults making poor decisions, the next day you’re working on a movie about aliens.  He’s definitely an artist, their minds’ are indecipherable and all over the place.  But I absolutely love it!  It’s never a dull moment!

What was your on set experience like on Grey Agenda?
BMMy experience on the set was very physical.  We had some good stunt work and some late nights…but with late nights, we would get a little giddy and probably annoying to Larry.  We just tried to keep it fun when we’d get tired, definitely got some laughs.

What was the most memorable moment on the set?
BM : My most memorable moment on set is so dumb!  We were out in the woods really late at night and we started hearing all kinds of animal noises and rustling in the trees and bushes.  I saw something out of the corner of my eye and full-on mom-armed the actor next to me even though he’s three times my size.  I could not stop laughing at the stupidity of it.   I shielded him from a big, bad armadillo with my arm while holding a fake pistol. 

Do you believe in Aliens?
BM: Why not?  It would be incredibly narcissistic to think that we are the only living creatures in all of the galaxies.
So Grey Aliens come and tell you that they are abducting you and taking you to their home planet, but they will let you take 3 things with you. What do you take?
BMUm… daughter, my boyfriend and my pit-bull, hahaha! 

Are you into Conspiracy Theories?  If,so which ones do you believe? 
BM: The zombie-apocalypse is a real threat!
Here is one for you, did Oswald act alone? 
BMNo. It’s hard to believe that he could kill the president without a little help.

What do you do when you are not working on a movie set? 
BM: I have the privilege of working a day job.  I manage a veterinary clinic in Dallas and I run a Community Service Team for our region.   When I’m not working, I like spending time with my awesome kid and enjoying a nice sing-off at the local karaoke bar.
What's Next for you?
BM: I finally bit the bullet and got signed with an agency…so who knows what they’ll have in store for me.  However, I made sure I will still be able to work with Larry Stanley whenever I want!  ;  )

After people watch Grey Agenda they will leave the theater thinking.................
BM:Mind = blown

Check out more of Bridgette Mishelle on the web

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