Tuesday, August 4, 2015

"Grey Agenda" The Back Story

         Hello, my name is Larry Stanley and I am an Indie Film Producer in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I am a partial owner of Slo Rowe Entertainment, a small video production company in DFW. I am the Slo and the other partners are the Rowes. Our latest film project is titled Grey Agenda.

As often on an Indie Film set I am wearing multiple hats on this project. I am the writer,director,executive producer,editor, director of photography, and I play Tex. Man, I got tired just typing that list of job duties, so you can imagine how worn out I was during production of Grey Agenda, actually doing them all. As off now, we have one production day left in August then Grey Agenda is wrapped, and we are on to post.

 There is no way I could have stayed on top of things on the Grey Agenda project,without a great crew! The Crew on Grey Agenda has been incredible to work with. I will tell you all about them,our very talented cast,how Grey Agenda lead me to True Love, and my run in with US ARMY Core of Engineers, in the weeks to come in this blog. Today, I want to go back to step one and fill you in on where the story of Grey Agenda came from .

 In late 2014 we had wrapped two Slo Rowe Projects; Decisions and the short film The Gospel of Thomas(both available on our youtube channel links below). The only other project we had in post was Proud Souls, but the great Andy Bowles was handling that one in New York. With two projects, wrapped and one out of my hands, that left me with that dangerous creative idle mind. I needed a new project stat! I started weighing through my options and talking to the Rowes about the next project. I had one complete faith based script we were tossing around producing next, a comedy with the Happy Pants boys we were working on that we could have pushed through, or Texas Lies , which is a script I have been talking about writing for years, but still haven't.

 Then one night while lying in bed, it happen. It was unexpected and out of nowhere! I was just lying there,watching Sports Center, and drifting off, as I often do when I heard this odd noise outside my bedroom window. It was this humming noise,that I have never heard anything like before. I got out of bed and went to the window to investigate, when I couldn't believe what I saw. There was what I can only describe as a UFO hovering, blinding me with it's flashing light. The next thing I know  I am waking up 5 hours later with no recollection of what had happen. I jumped to the logical conclusion that, I had either went on a blind date with Bill Cosby or I was abducted by Grey Aliens. Not only was I abducted, those little trouble making anal probers had implanted my next script in my head (warning parts of this blog maybe fabricated for entertainment purposes).

 Ok at least, the I was lying in bed part was true. Truth is I was lying in bed surfing youtube on my ipad when I discovered the story of an underground alien base in Dulce, New Mexico. I don't know how or why I first found this story,Aliens and UFOS weren't my usual YouTube searches. I was more into Bible Study (Seriously) and Final Cut X tutorials, but some how this story came up. The next thing I know,it is five hours later and mind is blown. I had a college like cram session and learned all about Phil Schneider,Thomas Castello,The Greada Treaty and the Alien Agenda. How could I not write some kind of story based off this?

 Two issues immediately crossed my mind, one I don't have a budget to shoot in Dulce, two I don't have a budget. Budget,Smudget I was going to write this thing. Besides the budget is the Rowe's end of the business, creating is mine. Since I knew I couldn't fake Dulce,New Mexico in Dallas,Texas I decided to change the setting of the story. What would be a perfect location near by? A man made lake, check! A city with unexplained events,check! My hometown Cedar Hill, Texas and Joe Pool Lake, check, perfect setting.

 Since the story of Dulce is a pretty popular one, I didn't want to tell it exactly as it is reported online. I liked the underground, base, loved the Aliens and Government Conspiracies elements. That morning, exhausted and blurry eyed from the all night cram session, I opened up Final Draft and started typing to tell my story Grey Agenda.

The characters were created and the script was one of the easier ones I have written, it just flowed. Sometimes while writing music moves me to write the script. Like when I wrote the film Decisions, I wrote the majority of it while listening to Ryan Bingham. Mr. Happy Pants was written during commercial breaks in football games. The film Proud Souls has a lot of Oklahoma ties. It was written while listen to a lot of Jason Boland (like you couldn't have guessed) and watching Pastor Craig Groeschel from Oklahoma's Lifechurch.tv. While working on Grey Agenda television was the background noise of choice.  The Walking Dead,Sons of Anarchy and The Lethal Weapon movies were all in my ear while Grey Agenda was becoming my next script.

 It took me roughly two months to complete the final draft of the script. Nine months later, Slo Rowe Entertainment has a new movie baby,heading to post. Pass the cigars this way! Congratulations It's an Alien human-hybrid!


 Find Grey Agenda on Facebook Here:
Check out Slo Rowe Entertainment on Youtube here
 Watch the Proud Souls Trailer here:
You Can Buy Mr. Happy Pants here for $2 Make you Holler:

My IMDB Page is Here:

 And Follow me on FB Here:

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