Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Meet Grey Agenda Star Timothy Green

How did you find out about Grey Agenda?
TG-Almost immediately, after I moved to the DFW area, I made friends with Nathan Hartley. Nathan would inform me of auditions around the area, so I believe I saw the audition on Craigslist, then Nathan reassured me that it was a legit movie.

What was your audition process like?
TG-Well, this was my second professional film audition and I showed up early, about an hour early because I was still getting used to the metroplex, so I set out early and arrived early. When I first walked into the waiting room, I felt so weird because there were two people at the sign-in desks and two or three just sitting around and I ask a question similar to, "Uhhhhhhh is this where we audition for The Grey Agenda?" After confirming that I was at the right audition, I then revealed that I was an hour early and one of the sign-in ladies laughed at me. (I think it was Sheril but I don't remember, I hadn't been introduced to anyone yet.) After signing in and filling out the form, I waited for about five minutes, then Larry came striding out of the audition room, hair blowing in the breeze, the only thing missing was the gallant white horse. I feel like this answer has been  long enough so Larry gets me back in the audition room about 45 minutes early and I don't know where to put my coat and I left my audition script in my car, so I asked where I can put my coat, apologized, then asked if I could borrow a script, and apologized two or three times. I auditioned, felt weird, apologized, left, cried, laughed, had drinks, and received an email the next morning asking if I still wanted to be a part of this project. The end!

 When you left the audition, how did you feel? 
TG-I felt embarrassed when I left the audition, but determined to do better on my next one.

After you read the Grey Agenda script what were your first thoughts?
TG-Wait...so...is it a comedy? Or a drama? 

Since you booked the role of Eric tell us about him?
TG-What's to tell? Eric is a pretty transparent guy. He is a "nerd" through and through. He believes in aliens and conspiracy theories, he was bullied in high school, there aren't many clues to how smart he is, but people keep calling him smart in the script. He knows people make fun of him for the aliens and conspiracies, yet he still has the courage (or is dumb enough) to put his ideas out there. 

How did you prepare for the role? 
TG-Up until this point, I have only been in staged plays, so I just went through, marked my lines, found my givens, wrote them down so I wouldn't forget. Everytime I wopuld read through the script I would look for something else, something new about Eric, Eric's relationship to Kenny, Eric's relationship to other characters, and Eric's fascination with aliens. I mean, his belief in aliens is religious in a way. He believes in things he doesn't see, has no proof of, and he only hears rumors online about aliens, but he still believes. He even tries to "convert" Kenny.

What did you expect the set to be like before you started shooting? 
TG-I'm not sure. I guess I was expecting everything to be fake and wooden flats just painted, maybe a green screen. I don't know, like in Hollywood? Actors rushing to learn their lines, everyone is business, nothing else.

How did your actual experience measure up? 
TG-It was completely different, everyone was so goofy and energetic. We shot on location for every scene, we would have moments when everyone was pretty lax, and moments when we all buckled down and did what needed to be done. It was really fun!

What was your most memorable moment on set? 
TG-I don't know. I feel like the correct answer would be, "Spending time with everyone," or, "learning everything that I can and experience." But really, the food was delicious. I don't even remember who made it for us. I think that makes me a bad person.

Did you do any research on Aliens before Grey Agenda?
TG-Larry gave me a couple names to look up online and I watched maybe half a documentary on Netflix. I believe in other life forms in the universe, I'm just not that interested in them. I tried though. 

Do you think there are Real Grey Aliens on Earth? If,so what are they doing here?
TG-I don't believe Grey Aliens are on Earth at all, and if they are, we are already doomed. Out of every species on earth there are maybe three or four animals that have higher functioning thought processes other than Human Beings. So, if there is life out on a different planet, what is the possibility that any of it has a more advanced civilization than us Human Beings. I mean first the other life forms would have to come together as a planet, unlike earth which has many different countries. So, no I don't believe there are Grey Aliens on earth.

What do you do in your free time, when you are not making movies about aliens?
TG-It seems like all I have had time for is work. I have also been applying to more jobs, to move back to the metroplex or somewhere else where film and theatre is big.

If news broke that there was an Alien Invasion on earth, what would you do?
TG-Thank God that I live in Texas. I would raid the closest gun shop, I imagine there will be chaos and looting so I would try to loot the gun shop early. Then, I would gather as many of my friends and family I could get to, find a bunker and hunker down until we die I guess.

What is your favorite Science Fiction Movie outside of Grey Agenda,of course?
TG-Star Wars. That's right, I'm basic.

After people watch Grey Agenda they will think............................
That, or, "Man that Timothy Green fella, he's one beautiful son of a gun!"

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